行程 海南海口>>码头>>西沙群岛>>西沙的水下世界>>海口
有人问,东南亚那么多风情热浪,舒爽宜人的海岛不去,为何偏偏选择花费高昂的费用去一个毫无配套建设的西沙群岛?我相信去过西沙群岛的人多半会回答两个字,那就是“情结”!“西沙群岛是南海上的一群岛屿,是我国的海防前哨。那里风景优美,物产丰富,是个可爱的地方”。小学课本里对西沙群岛的描述当年不知造就了多少幻想。现在我们准备出发了,快和我们一起走去圆自己曾经的梦吧!The Paracel Islands also known as Xiasha Islands, is a group of islands, reefs, banks and other maritime features in the South China Sea. It is the home of Drangon Hole, the deepest underwater sinkhole in the world. Turtles and seabirds are native to the islands, which have a hot and humid climate, abundant rainfall and frequent typhoons.