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    “我们新疆好地方啊,天山南北好牧场……瓜果飘香,牛羊壮……昔日荒滩变良田……” 许多人都很熟悉这首歌,每当这首歌在耳边响起时,我就会******满怀。 走进西藏,你就走进了雪山,走进了高原,走进了自然; 走进西藏,你就走向了阳光,走向了理想,走向了天堂。 哪怕路途艰难、哪怕呼吸困难、哪怕辛苦劳顿,还是阻止不了人们奔向它…… ——那遥远而又神秘的圣地!
     China s largest province. The region has an unique landscape which is called ‘three mountains surrounding two basins’. There features are, from north to south, Altai Mountains, Dzungarian Basin, Tianshan Mountains, Tarim Basin and Kunlun Mountains. If north part means fine horses and the sounds of singing, the south part means dances such as Mukamu. The capital city, Urumqi, has many gorgeous landscape features such as Red Hill and Southern Pasture, is also an important city along the world- famous Silk Road, an historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean, which extended as far as present- day Rome.



    我们专业领队,长期混迹于新疆,无论是维族同胞还是各种少数民族都有很多朋友,有很多可以与你共同分享;我们领队是与大家年龄相当有共同语言的同行者,当地的美食体验和特色的住宿选择,合理的行程安排和路线设计,让你省去一切烦恼。同时我们给予活动最大的灵活性,让你有足够的自由享受旅行。 凭借我们对旅行执着的热爱,我们深入挖掘那些真正值得探索的风景和文化,引领你融入当地的生活,体验每一个目的地的原汁原味。我们不走马观花,更不探险,而是力求还原旅行的本真。打个比方,比如去到一座雪山,我们不会带你去爬山,更不会带你拍张到此一游照就走人,而是去拜访雪山脚下的美丽村庄,去感受当地人的生活,从而获得更多的感知。
    Despite the enormous military and police presence here due to several years of ethnic unrest, Xīnjiāng is increasingly attracting visitors for its extraordinary natural beauty and fascinating Central Asian history and culture. In short, a visit to Chinese Turkestan makes for an exploration of China s past and its unsettled multicultural present, or simply a journey into some of the most sublime landscapes on earth.