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    黔东南苗族侗族自治州,顾名思义,就是贵州的东南部。黔东南州是我国三十个自治州中总人口和少数民族人口最多的自治州,在3万平方公里的土地上和谐生活着33个341.4万人口的少数民族,其中:苗族人口171万人,占全国苗族总人口的19%,侗族134.2万人,占全国侗族总人口的45.8%,是全国苗族侗族原生文化的中心。   黔东南由于历史及地域原因,长期以来处于相对封闭状态,原生民族人文生态系统保存比较完整,在历史的发展长河中,各民族原生的文化种类繁多,精彩纷呈,尤以苗族和侗族丰富多彩的原生民族文化令人自豪和骄傲。  

    Situated in southeastern Guizhou Province, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture neighbors Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Zunyi City and Tongren Region within the province. It is also bounded on the east by Hunan Province in the neighborhood of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the south.
    Ethnic minorities in Qiandongnan have a population of 3,640,000, over eighty percent of the prefecture s total population. Miao and Dong minorities are the biggest groups. The colorful traditional festivals and local folk customs are the highlights of the prefecture.
Road-block drinking is the first ritual when the hospitable Miao people welcome guests. From the foot to the gate of the village, there are usually twelve barriers with full dressed Miao youths pledging wine to visitors.


    试想一下,如果在一个夜里,来到一个三面环山的地方,却看到漫山都是热闹辉煌的灯火,你的心都会跟着沸腾起来! 穿上漂亮的苗家衣服,戴上纯银的苗饰,姑娘、小伙们,一起舞起来吧,旅行就应该是这样无拘无束的…… 运气好的话,赶上谁家娶亲或嫁女,喝上一杯苗家人自酿的美酒(不过据小编自己经历,不喝满三杯苗家人是不罢休的,小心啦),沾上点喜气,那你可赚大发了!
    Ethnic minorities in Qiandongnan have a population of 3,640,000, over eighty percent of the prefecture s total population. Miao and Dong minorities are the biggest groups. The colorful traditional festivals and local folk customs are the highlights of the prefecture.
Road-block drinking is the first ritual when the hospitable Miao people welcome guests. From the foot to the gate of the village, there are usually twelve barriers with full dressed Miao youths pledging wine to visitors.