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工作日 10:00-18:00
  • 热销产品

    The Breathtaking Gannan 仙境甘南


    行程  兰州>>郎木寺>>扎尕那>>尕海>>夏河>>同仁>>西宁

    黄河给西北高原带来了生命的慰藉,而兰州就是喷涌在这片大地上的民族之井。甘南是高原上的香巴拉,流经甘南的黄河给了甘南苍茫高远,水天相接的壮丽景色;居住于此的藏族民众给了甘南绚丽、多姿的民俗风情。 怎么样?心动了吗?这里的景色用文字是形容不完的,你如果有闲可以亲自来这儿体验一下这种美妙的感觉,一定让你流连忘返。 Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture is in Gansu province. A sleepy breathtaking location predominantly inhabited by a mix of Hui Muslims and Amdo Tibetans. The temples have distinct styles all well worth visit. The surrounding mountains give off a very much alpine flair reminiscent of rural Austria or Bavaria and perfect for hiking and horse trekking.
  • 热销产品

    The beauty of the Southeastern Guizhou 探秘美丽的黔东南


    行程  贵阳>>镇远古镇>>西江千户苗寨>>荔波>>肇兴侗寨>>岜沙>>贵阳

    美丽富饶的黔东南属于山地亚热带季风气候,境内峰峦起伏,江河纵横,山清水秀,景象万千。这里,居住着全国近四分之一的苗族人口、近一半的侗族人口。这里,有着中国最大的苗寨和中国最大的侗寨。这里山高谷深,森林茂密。过去,因为交通闭塞,很少有外人涉足,因而保存了完好的原始生态和民族文化:原始森林莽莽苍苍,珍禽异兽自由出没;这里,有美丽的苗侗少女以醇厚的米酒和动人的歌声;这里,有洒脱租犷的苗侗小伙子吹起芦笙盛待嘉宾。 Southeastern Guizhou, Or officially Qiandongnan Miao And Dong Autonomous Prefecture, is an autonomous district in Guizhou, Bordering Guangxi and Hunan. Though many new roads have been built, some villages are still quite isolated and only can be accessed by walking. However, the essence of local culture in this area often hides in these remote villages.
  • 亲近自然

    Discover China’s Grand Canyon:Enshi 山水之旅,仙居恩施


    行程  恩施>>云龙河地缝>>七星寨>>腾龙洞>>坪坝营>>鸡公山>>四洞峡>>女儿城

    恩施,一个充满诗意的地方,或许你曾经去过,或许你压根没听说过;恩施,她的绝景风光,或许你领略过,但是却没读懂那山的深情,水的诗意。百里绝壁、千丈瀑布、傲啸独峰、原始森林、远古村寨……走进恩施大峡谷,一览百里绝壁的无限风光,感受大自然造物的鬼斧神工和鄂西土司的千年******!The city is built alongside the Qing River and is surrounded by forest-covered mountains. Its famous for the Enshi Canyon, the biggest canyon in Asia, is about 40 km from Enshi downtown. The local residents here are mainly Tu people, so you can also learn some interesting customs and culture of this ethnic group here.
  • 热销产品

    Voice of Tibet 大美西藏—神域情缘


    行程  拉萨>>巴松错>>林芝>>雅鲁藏布江大峡谷>>南迦巴瓦>>林芝>>拉萨>>羊卓雍错>>拉萨

    每个人心中都有一个西藏 不尽相同,有人爱他的宗教虔诚,有人爱他的异域光影,有人爱他这段艰苦旅程, 对我来说,他杂糅着多种情感,庄重,魅惑,震撼,以及至命吸引。 如果说中国有一个地方一定要去,那我想不容置疑一定是西藏; 如果说有一个地方还能称之为天堂,我想那也一定在藏地的某个角落; 如果说旅行会让你看到更大的这个世界,认识更多的人, 那我想,这次旅行一定会让你更加认识你自己!Tibet is an autonomous region of China. Entering Tibet you feel as though you’ve entered an entirely different world. The capital of Tibet is Lhasa, Which means “Land of the Gods”.
  • 热销产品

    Lovely Ancient Town- Dali & Lijiang 风情万种之大理&丽江


    行程  昆明>>大理>>苍山>>洱海>>双廊>>丽江古镇>>虎跳峡>>玉龙雪山>>丽江古镇

    一边摇橹一边哼着民调的老汉,用马载客的马帮后裔,还有那民风淳朴的原始村落,大理有无穷无尽的精彩等你去发现;一片古城(东倒西歪的房子),一群追寻梦想的人(破烂溜人),可就是有本事叫你反认他乡是故乡,丽江总是散发着令人难以抵抗的魅力。In the Yunan Province, Yunan is famous for the old towns, zillions of cafes and bars, handicrafts such as batik fabric. It is one of the most popular spots for independent China travelers; it is considered the perfect place to relax in southern China.
  • 南疆环线

    Golden Travel Route- South Xinjiang 南疆铿锵行


    行程  乌鲁木齐>>库车>>喀什>>帕米尔高原>>塔什库尔干>>和田>>沙漠公路>>轮台>>吐鲁番>>乌鲁木齐

    这一次,我们带你玩一场不一样的西域之旅,一次走遍全部的南疆精华景点,十几天内,让你感受春夏秋冬四季的变换。带你看最美的草原、带你走最刺激的翻山公路、带你住当地人家的毛毡帐篷、带你穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠、带你住在海拔四千米的雪山和湖边看银河。我们不安排固定的每日行程,给我十几天,带给你一场可控的不固定旅行。A full experience of Xinjiang. Nights in Mongol yurts. Horse trekking thorugh the North Xinjiang forests. Endless expanses of grasslands. Crossing through the heart of Taklimakan desert. This itinerary will take you to the heart of the desert in seach of places of historical interest discovery of new landscapes and local customs and more.
  • 热销产品

    A photographer’s Paradise in Western Sichuan 浪漫川西,神秘康巴


    行程  成都>>康定>>新都桥>>亚青>>德格>>色达>>丹巴>>党岭>>丹巴>>小金>>成都

    四川西部的康巴高原地区除了那些具有独特魅力的藏族碉群及民俗民风外,其深处还隐藏着雄奇的雪山、壮美的海子、茂密的原始森林、蜿蜒的山涧清溪、秀丽的高山草甸等无数高原美景,而这些美景却多因山高路险而鲜为人知,成为秘境天堂。这一次我们会带领大家去感受康巴秘境般的美、藏传佛教的神秘和藏族同胞对信仰的执着!Xinduqiao is a picturesque small Tibetan town, famous for its plateau pasture scenery, with vivid grenn grassland, streams, mountains, and Tibetan houses. Overview a small town located 437km west to Chengdu and 83km of Kangding, at the separating point of the North and South Sichuan- Tibet highway.
  • 新疆喀什

    Secret Scenes Of Xinjiang 新疆南线 密境体验


    行程  乌鲁木齐>>吐鲁番>>库尔勒市>>阿克苏>>喀什市>>帕米尔高原>>红旗拉普口岸>>喀什

    新疆南线,囊括了塔里木盆地、昆仑山脉新疆部分以及吐鲁番盆地。这里是亚欧大陆腹地,离海洋最远的地方,中国最大的塔克拉玛干沙漠就位于这里。这里有古丝绸之路南、中两条干线上留下的数以百计的古城池、古墓葬、千佛洞等古迹昭示着历史的悠久与沧桑,这里有南疆人民的母亲河塔里木河,这里有生一千年不死、死一千年不倒、倒一千年不朽的世界最大胡杨林公园,这里有世界第二大沙漠—塔格拉玛干沙漠,这里有汇聚了中西亚五国商品的喀什大巴扎,这里有你能想到的美好,更有你想不到的纯粹,只有亲身经历这里才知道新疆是个好地方!!!! 另外我们特意为您安排了一个独特的、没有游客的、免费的景点,让更彻底的去感受新疆的独特美。Despite the heat, the ground water and fertile soil of the Turpan depression has made this a veritable oasis in the desert, evidenced by the nearby centuries-old remains of ancient cities, imperial garrisons and Buddhist caves. The city itself has a mellow vibe to it, and recovering from a day’s sightseeing over a cold Xīnjiāng beer under the grape vines on a warm summer evening is one of the joys of travelling through the province.
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    The Unknown Dajiu Lake梦之仙境—— 你不知道的大九湖


    行程  宜昌市>大九湖>神农顶>神农谷>木鱼镇>燕子垭>神农坛>天生桥>宜昌

    大九湖位于渝鄂交界处。是一片沼泽地—山涧盆地,是亚高山的一片湿地。面积3万多亩,海拔1700米,面积36平方公里,南北长约15公里,东西宽约3公里,中间是一抹17平方公里的平川,四周高山重围,在“抬头见高山,地无三尺平”的神农架群山之中,深藏着这样的处女平地极为少见。It is the largest and highest wetland in central China. It is surrounded by mountains and a total of nine different lakes are connected by a flowing stream. The nine lakes compose the Dajiu Lake, which means “nine big lakes” in Chinese.