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      新疆维吾尔自治区是举世闻名的歌舞之乡、瓜果之乡、黄金玉石之邦。新疆幅员辽阔,地大物博,山川壮丽,瀚海无垠,古迹遍地,民族众多,民俗奇异。旅游资源极为丰富,全国旅游资源共有68种,而新疆就有56种,占全国旅游资源类型的83%。全疆共有景点一千一百余处,居全国首位,在这广阔大地上,冰川雪岭与戈壁瀚海共生,高原山水景观蕴含在天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山等世界名山之中,有着众多的雪域冰川、叠嶂雄峰、飞泉瀑布、珍奇异兽。这里有海拔8600米的世界第二高峰,又有低于海平面154米的中国最低洼地,既有一泄千里的河流、万顷碧波的草原,又有光怪陆离的戈壁幻境,神秘莫测的沙漠奇观。保存完好的原始动植物种群,更显出得天独厚的大自然的本色。 新疆的土地富饶而美丽、广袤而神奇;这里的人民,热情好客、既豪爽、热情,又纯朴、友好;这里是诗人的王国、画家的宝库,史学家的天堂,旅游者的乐园!

      China s largest province. The region has an unique landscape which is called ‘three mountains surrounding two basins’. There features are, from north to south, Altai Mountains, Dzungarian Basin, Tianshan Mountains, Tarim Basin and Kunlun Mountains. If north part means fine horses and the sounds of singing, the south part means dances such as Mukamu. The capital city, Urumqi, has many gorgeous landscape features such as Red Hill and Southern Pasture, is also an important city along the world- famous Silk Road, an historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean, which extended as far as present- day Rome.




      Despite the enormous military and police presence here due to several years of ethnic unrest, Xīnjiāng is increasingly attracting visitors for its extraordinary natural beauty and fascinating Central Asian history and culture. In short, a visit to Chinese Turkestan makes for an exploration of China s past and its unsettled multicultural present, or simply a journey into some of the most sublime landscapes on earth.